See if you have what it takes
Getting Recruited To Play College Sports
Playing college tennis is an opportunity of a lifetime. You can continue your academic education, play competitive college tennis and if possible, earn a college degree towards your career goals. You’ll need to identify the best tennis programs for you, play in high-level tournaments, and showcase your talents so that coaches and scouts and notice you. While coaches still attend tournaments to recruit players, many of their initial assessments are made through online videos on YouTube and social media.
Through our tennis community efforts, we want to help underserved and under-resourced families by sponsoring their tennis development. We’re looking for individuals with drive, passion, motivation and accountability who are taking their future in their own hands. But we need some skin in the game. We want to work with motivated college-bound youths and their families in volunteering and contributing time and effort to fundraising events, thus raising money for tennis lessons, coaches and academies.
Getting recruited in tennis relies heavily on the tournaments you play and the rankings you earn. We truly believe advanced training is necessary to get a tennis scholarship and by helping underserved families, we help them level the playing ground.
Please contact Alex Truong at 949 910 0059 or , or Steve Riggs at 949-232-9200 or

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