Get out on the court and play
Seniors Leagues
The Senior Sirs and Ma’ams league ended the season with RCI as the victorious team with 47 line wins. Lake Forest team came in second with 36 and Los Caballeros finished close behind with 35 line wins. The competition was fierce throughout the season as most matches went to three sets and tiebreakers. The RCI team advanced to the national championship for the men’s 55+ 9.0 combo in November 2017 to the USTA National Campus in Orlando, Florida. The Irvine team finished third in the nation.
Tennis is a lifetime sport and the senior sirs and ma’ams league help us keep our tennis sharp. We would like to see the league grow exponentially through OCCTA’s reach to include seniors from other Orange County cities such as Laguna Niguel, Coto De Caza, and Newport Beach TC and Fullerton. To build and grow this wonderful league, we need to recruit captains and players. Please help us in networking and contacting friends and families who are interesting in playing. For more information, please contact Alex Truong at 949-232-9200 or email: OCCTA@outlook.com

Junior Leagues
Introducing UTR Team Tennis OC, players will compete in team competitions against each other in this
innovative and fun level based co-ed format. Youth Teams (UTRs 1-6) & Premier Teams (UTRs 6-12).
Players must be under 18 years old. For more information, please contact Alex Truong at 949-232-9200 or email: riggstwins@outlook.com
Universal Tennis Rating
Universal Tennis Rating (UTR) is a global tennis player rating system intended to produce an objective, consistent, and accurate index of players’ skill in the game of tennis. UTR rates all players on a single 16-point scale, without regard to age, gender, nationality, or locale of a given match. It’s an objective results-driven rating based on strength of opponent, games won and last 30 matches within the last 12 months. UTR provides a player’s real-time view of a player’s true skill level.
Your UTR will go up or down based on how you perform vs. expectation. UTR rating is calculated using a proprietary UTR software. This is a new league we’re starting. The way it works is players will be matched up in singles according to their UTR ratings in a ladder format.

Have any question for us? We are happy to answer.